As we head towards the Winter Solstice on the 21st of December, a time for reflection and renewal, we are invited to pause, take a moment out of our normal hectic life, be still, and connect to the bigger picture of our life’s journey.

This really is the perfect time to review and energetically release the twelve months just passed, and create the space to call in what we want for the coming year. We may be in the middle of winter, but the Winter Solstice is also a celebration of the light to come and a reminder that however dark things may get on our journey, the light will always return.

Winter is not a time for massive action, but an audit of the months and seasons preceding it will help us get clearer on what we want moving forwards; what worked and what didn’t, what we want to take with us into the new year, and what we definitely want to leave behind! However, this reflective time should NOT be used as an excuse to beat yourself up. If you set goals in January only to realise you’re no further forward to achieving them as you head towards the end of December, this does NOT mean you’re a failure! But trying to understand why you didn’t achieve them and what you have learned can be extremely valuable. 

Maybe you set goals that were too big and so they overwhelmed you from the get-go? This doesn’t mean you shouldn’t set big goals, of course, far from it! The key is to break them down into manageable steps, as this can help prevent procrastination and overwhelm.

On the flip side, if you set goals that were too small, they may not have excited you enough to follow them.

Or … you may have achieved all your goals and huge congratulations if you did! Never neglect to celebrate your wins and all the things you are massively proud of having achieved, no matter how small. I can’t emphasise enough how valuable this is and I bet you’ll be pleasantly surprised if you take some time to focus on, and give gratitude for, all the things that worked out. Even if they didn’t work out in quite the way you had in mind…

Obviously, if you complete your review and are left feeling frustrated that another year has passed without you seeing your dreams come to fruition, you may need to do some serious soul-searching around self-worth. It’s important to understand that no amount of goal setting, visioning, or working with the law of attraction will bring you what you wish to manifest if deep down you don’t believe you’re worthy.

Taking this time to review and reflect, and to really listen to the whispers of your soul, can make all the difference to how you begin the new year. It’s about honouring the ending and experiences you’ve had, before starting afresh and welcoming what’s to come. Which also makes it the perfect time to plant your seeds and intentions for the coming year, knowing they’ll be germinating through the darkness of winter, ready to sprout with the promised new beginnings of Spring. 

However, before you rush ahead, take some time to get clear on what you want. After all, goal setting is very personal and, of course, not a necessity, so let’s get that straight from the start! Don’t set goals for the sake of it, to keep up with the Jones’s, or because someone tells you you should. But on the other hand, thinking about what you want your future to look like can be very motivating. And why shouldn’t you dream?

My Top Goal Setting Tips:

  • Ensure your goal is … YOUR goal! This may sound obvious, but it’s surprising how many times we can fall into the trap of setting goals based on the influence of others or on what we think we should, rather than what we really want.
  • For those bigger goals, remember to break them down into smaller more manageable steps. Try concentrating on how you want to FEEL – this has been a game changer for me. 
  • Be really clear about why your goal is important to you, as this will help keep you on track if the going gets tough. 
  • Write your goals down. Get them out of your head and onto paper – this makes a BIG difference! 
  • Visualise your goals, in glorious technicolour, the more detail the better. If you can dream it and see yourself achieve it, then you absolutely can. Creating a vision board or similar can help with this and keep your goals clear in your mind. 
  • Take inspired action. Dreaming is great, but action is necessary too! Just understand that it doesn’t need to be massive action – baby steps will get you there just the same – remember the saying, slow and steady wins the race!
  • Celebrate your wins along the way, to help build confidence.
  • Regularly review your goals and check in with your inner compass. If you’re working towards something that constantly feels like an uphill struggle, maybe the Universe is trying to tell you something. Don’t be afraid to change course. Your goals will grow/change as you do and they won’t always work out in the way you expect them to. You may find something better comes along that has you follow a different path… 
  • Hold yourself accountable. Sharing your goals with someone can massively help with accountability. Just be sure not to share with someone who’s not likely to support you, or worse, rain on your parade!

Making 2023 your best year yet isn’t just about the external goals you set, of course, it also comes down to mindset and the frame of mind you’re in when you set them. And that’s why you may value some extra tips and support. You don’t have to do this alone! Why not join us in The Inner Goddess Sanctuary on Monday 5th December at 7pm as we review 2022 together and set the foundation for the best start to 2023?

What you’ll learn from the December Masterclass:

💥 The questions & thought prompts to be able to accurately reflect on 2022 from a place of no judgement

💥 How to identify what no longer serves you so that you don’t take those into the new year such as beliefs, habits etc

💥 Questions to ask yourself when setting new goals & intentions for 2023

💥 Examples of the different types of goals you could set, for example, to bring more calm into your life, more joy, confidence, better relationships & more – to help inspire you when thinking about your own goals

💥 The most important habits that will not only help motivate you to achieve your goals but also support you energetically – so that you enjoy the process, are able to feel your most confident, and truly step into your power every day.


You will also receive a FREE workbook when you purchase your ticket, to help guide you through this process and beyond. You will have the replay of this masterclass to keep for life! And the investment is just £22. Please follow the link below for more information, or to join us. We’d love to welcome you!

However you choose to finish this year, be sure to acknowledge how far you’ve come, and then set the intention that 2023 will be AWESOME! And you know what? It absolutely will be.

Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve. 

Napoleon Hill 

With love & light,

Debbie x