It’s been just over 2 years now since the publication of my book, Your Secret Power, and my journey has continued …

To be honest, I’d never have believed how much my new direction was going to change my life, but one thing has become incredibly clear. This was a path that my heart and soul had been yearning for many years. I thought I’d already heard the call of the Goddess, we’d certainly been acquainted, but my initiation had only just begun … 

Despite being on my spiritual path for many years, it’s only since starting my Priestess journey in 2020 that I’ve come to understand the significance and power of the divine feminine. The Goddess was a mythical figure as far as I was concerned and a Priestess akin to a religion that held no interest for me. But I’d never thought to question it. Or whether my perceptions and beliefs were true, or rather the work of a warped, male-dominated society, one that feared the power of the collective feminine. And it truly is a force to be reckoned with! 

Prior to the rise of the masculine, the Priestess was held in high esteem. She was the original healer, wise woman and creatrix, and she was both honoured and respected. This was at a time when women supported and celebrated each other, and would gather together in sacred circles that were founded on deep connection and trust. Ancient wisdom and traditions were shared during sacred ceremonies and rituals, we respected Mother Earth and we followed the cycles of the moon and changing seasons.

Sadly, the rise of the patriarchy put a stop to all this. The Goddess was, in effect, downgraded by the Church and a male-dominated society that feared their power.  And worse, the witch hunts that later followed, had women turn on each other …

Fast forward to the modern day and you can still clearly see how our world remains dominated by the wounded, imbalanced masculine energy. It’s on the verge of collapse. Our patriarchal society isn’t working, it’s breaking down. 

When you think about our society today, how does it make you feel? Emotions like guilt, shame, self-doubt and never feeling good enough are deeply ingrained in the collective consciousness. And if that wasn’t bad enough, we’ve become totally disconnected from our bodies. Rather than showing it the respect it deserves we’re ashamed of it. It doesn’t measure up, it lets us down, and so we shy away, compare and criticise instead. How easy do you find it to practice self-love? To feel happy in ‘your skin’?

Women have been abused, disrespected, and suppressed for many generations, and this societal disempowerment has taken us so far away from the Goddess, it seems almost incomprehensible that we can turn things around. But this is exactly what’s happening. The modern-day Priestess has begun to re-emerge, and it’s all thanks to a global awakening!

In my case, I received a powerful and undeniable calling to follow my Priestess path. It wasn’t something I’d ever envisaged doing and I couldn’t explain at first why I felt so intensely drawn to it. But it soon became clear. Having spent most of my life in my wounded masculine energy, constantly pushing myself to do and achieve more, I definitely needed to redress the balance! And I am honoured now to follow those who came before me, under the lineage of Mary Magdalene who herself trained under the Goddess Isis.

While my journey has only just begun, I’ve already learned that the Priestess path is one of deep purification, surrender and letting go, as well as empowerment. It makes sense that we must work on ourselves first before we can hold space or offer healing to others. But it’s not an easy path to follow! A Priestess stands for all women who came before her and, by healing her own deep wounds and trauma, she positively impacts those of her ancestors, as well as the collective as a whole – essentially, the whole of humanity! It’s mind-blowing when you think about it.

Every woman who heals herself, helps heal all the women who came before her and those who come after.

Dr Christine Northrup

It’s important to understand that women can hold lifetimes of pain, abuse, and trauma within their womb and yoni, their most sacred space and source of divine feminine energy. Balancing this energy recirculates the flow of our life force energy for healing, powerful creative expression, and manifesting. But it’s not to be done at the expense of the divine masculine. It’s all about balance, a coming together, yin and yang. Likewise, it has nothing to do with gender. We all carry aspects of the divine feminine and masculine within our DNA, regardless of gender.

Goddess consciousness is energy. When we tap into it, it brings us back into alignment with who we truly are, activating our feminine power and reclaiming suppressed aspects of ourselves. And as we reawaken and shine our light, we give permission for others to do the same, creating a ripple effect of healing and empowerment.

Ultimately, our sacred role as Priestess, creatrix, leader and/or healer is guided by our inner wisdom, our intuition, and souls calling. It’s not that we’re learning something new, but actually remembering who we are. Our DNA is already encoded with the sacred knowledge we now seek to rediscover and it’s by reconnecting to it that we get to journey back home. 

I began my Priestess journey purely for my own healing, but after experiencing such a positive, personal transformation, I knew it would be selfish of me not to share this ancient wisdom, for the benefit of others. Hence the birth of the Inner Goddess Sanctuary online membership that I co-run with YouTube influencer Jenny Gibson, where we hold space for some truly incredible women. (If you’re interested to learn more about this, please look under the Services heading.) I am also deeply humbled to now be facilitating my own sacred sister circles and cacao ceremonies, helping other women to remember how truly incredible they are.

This really is the perfect time to step into Your Secret Power and reclaim your sovereignty! If you’re currently living life in the fast lane, always in doing mode which, let’s face it, is exhausting, you may benefit from more balance and feminine flow in your life. Have you heard the call of the Goddess?

Debbie x