It’s difficult to know exactly when to celebrate the Autumn Equinox, as we’re in the Equinox gateway for a few days, from 20th – 23rd September, but sources tell me it’s the 23rd this year in the UK, so I’m going with that!

As we continue our journey through the Wheel of the Year the Autumn Equinox, also known as Mabon (and the Feast of Avalon), marks a point of perfect balance, where night and day are of equal length. The only other time this happens is at the Spring Equinox/Ostara. And this is the general theme of this Equinox, BALANCE, between darkness and light, masculine and feminine, inner and outer. A time for reflection and going within.

But it’s also a time of celebration. The Autumn Equinox is the second of three harvest festivals, the first having occurred six weeks ago at Lughnasadh/Lammas and the third one in six weeks’ time, at Samhain (Halloween). Traditionally these were times to express gratitude and celebrate the harvest and bounty of Mother Earth, and many cultures around the world still honour these festivals today – as should we …

Speaking of harvest, it’s a perfect time to reflect on our personal harvest too, and acknowledge and celebrate what we’ve achieved, as well as release and let go of those things that no longer serve us. As the Goddess gifts us with an abundant harvest, it’s time for us to reap what we have sown, count our blessings, and show gratitude and appreciation for all we have.

However, with the change of season comes a shift in energy, so be prepared! After the high-powered solar energy of summer (and we’ve had a particularly intense one this year), the energy is dropping now,  as you may be feeling, and it’s important to SLOW DOWN, pause and retreat. Just like the trees shed their leaves at this time, to conserve energy, we must respect the need to conserve ours too. If we don’t our energy can become unstable and scattered, and our immune system depleted, so self-care is important. Seek nourishment from all the beautiful Autumn fruits and vegetables available now – it’s time to get the slow cooker out for all those delicious crock pots and stews! And make the most of the last blast of Autumn sunshine. Really store up that life force energy for the darker days to come.

In the Northern Hemisphere it’s a struggle to make sufficient Vitamin D in the darker months, so it’s a good time to consider taking a nutritional supplement if you don’t already. Vitamin D is so important for our immune system! As are antioxidant nutrients like vitamins A, C and E and the minerals Selenium and Zinc. A good multi-vitamin and mineral should have you covered 😉

Other tips for Autumn? 

  • Get outside while you still can and enjoy the beautiful Autumnal colours (and sunshine). 
  • Collect Autumn treasures and decorate your home with them, or place them on your altar if you have one – I was collecting conkers with my grandson at the weekend!
  • Embrace the darkness – it’s a void space of all possibilities … consider going to bed earlier.
  • Prepare for winter – cosy up and stock up!
  • Create a Harvest Jar and add to it notes of all the things you’ve manifested over the course of the year, have achieved, or are proud of/grateful for.
  • Celebrate with friends/family – try pot luck feasting, each bringing an autumnal dish.

I shall be baking a homemade, vegan apple cake today – especially since apples are so connected to the Autumn Equinox and are considered highly sacred too! How will you be spending yours?